Document Submission Portal

Using this Web Portal

Registered Federal agency users may use this web portal to submit documents as electronic originals for publication in the Federal Register. They must be signed with a medium assurance level digital signature certificate, cross-certified by the Federal Bridge Certification Authority in PKCS#7 standard.

Submission Requirements

The uploaded document(s) must be digitally signed. You may only submit digitally signed MS Word files (2003, 2007, 2010). Electronically submitted documents must still adhere to the format guidelines set forth in the Document Drafting Handbook. Do not compress or encrypt the document when digitally signing. You may submit Special Handling letters if required. The Special Handling letters must also be digitally signed in order for them to be accepted.

Uploading Documents
  • Log into the submission web portal using your assigned Agency ID and Password.
  • Enter your e-mail address in the User Email field. Your agency name will automatically be displayed based on the Agency ID that you supplied.
  • Browse to and select the signed document file that you wish to submit.
  • If the document requires a Special Handling letter, select the Requires Special Handling box.
  • Browse to and select the signed document file that contains the special handling instructions.
  • If you have more than one document to submit, click the Add Another Document button. An additional upload field will appear. You can add up to 10 documents.
  • After you have added all of your documents and Special Handling letters (if applicable), click the Send Document button.
  • A list of the documents that you have just submitted will appear on the screen.
  • The Reset button can be used to clear the screen.

Certified Copies

The electronic file is considered the original document. Submitting in this manner eliminates the need for certified paper copies.

Special Handling Letters

Special Handling letters are used to communicate special instructions and requests. They must also be digitally signed in order to be accepted. Please consult the Document Drafting Handbook for more information about Special Handling letters.


For assistance, contact OFR’s Digital Strategy and Analytics staff at email:

Document Submission Portal Question

For questions on how to use this website, digital signature or registration process, please contact the Office of the Federal Register’s Digital Strategy and Analytics staff at email:

Document Drafting

The guidelines for drafting and submitting Federal Register documents are contained in the Federal Register Document Drafting Handbook (DDH). For more writing and research tools, please go to the Document Drafting & Research page of our website.


To learn more about the Federal Register publication system and related material, you may wish to consult the following pages on our website:

No Fear Act

Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is the right of all persons to work and advance on the basis of merit, ability, and potential. Federal fair employment laws prohibit discrimination and require the government to provide equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disabling condition, or reprisal.

EEO Complaint Data Posted Pursuant to the No Fear Act

The National Archives posts summary statistical EEO complaint data as required by the Notification Federal Employee Administration and Retaliation Act of 2002 (The No Fear Act). The No FEAR Act requires Federal Agencies to post cumulative year-to-date summary statistical EEO complaint data on a quarterly basis during each Fiscal Year (FY) as follows: January 31; April 30; July 31; and October 31. View the most recent data at:


We believe that the website is compliant with Section 508 and W3C accessibility design guidelines. This site uses text-based files and may link to Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files, which are text-accessible through the use of Adobe PDF Tools. See more about Adobe Acrobat Reader and PDF Files below. The OFR and GPO are committed to assisting people with disabilities in any feasible manner, including voice description and other equivalent facilitation, in accordance with the electronic and information technology standards of 36 CFR part 1194.

If you are a person with a disability and you encounter barriers to accessibility on this website, please contact customer service staff of the Federal Register for assistance at 202-741-6000, 8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday (except Federal holidays).

More information about Section 508 can be found on: Adobe Acrobat Reader and PDF Files PDF files require the free Acrobat Reader. Adobe also provides free tools for the visually impaired: Download Adobe Reader Now

Continuity Information

For information on procedures for submitting Federal Register documents during a continuity emergency, for directions to alternate Office of the Federal Register locations, and our alternate publication systems and websites available during emergency events, please go to the Continuity page of our website.